Calling all colleagues!
Academic museums have to demonstrate our value in different ways than most museums and academic departments. But the data we sorely need just doesn’t currently exist.
This is going to change.
Thanks to a grant from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, AAMG is working with Wilkening Consulting to field research just for academic museums.
But we need YOUR help to make sure this first round of data collection is robust and can help all of us. Here’s what you can do:
- Download a PDF of the questions by clicking below to gather your answers prior to sitting down and taking the survey.
2. Complete the data collection for your museum. This will take 15 – 20 minutes, tops!
3. Share the data collection link and encourage other academic museums in your area to participate. The more museums that participate, the more effective our infographics and peer comparisons will be to advocate for ourselves!
Please submit your data by FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30, 2022. And don’t worry … we’ll send out plenty of reminders! We can’t wait to share the results with you this fall.
Your friends at AAMG!
AAMG Survey Committee
Kristina Durocher
President, AAMG
Director, Museum of Art University of New Hampshire
Robert Saarnio
Southeast Co-Regional Representative, AAMG
Director, University Museum & Historic Houses
University of Mississippi
Keidra Daniels
At-Large Board Member, AAMG
McKnight Doctoral Fellow, Texts and Technology
PhD Program University of Central Florida
Phillip Earenfight
Mid-Atlantic Regional Representative, AAMG
Academic Director and Chief Curator, Retired
This research has been supported by a grant from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation.