Join the Association for Art Museum Curators (AAMC) Foundation this June for a series of three webinars that will restructure and rethink how we consider the topic of management. By focusing on Navigation, Environment and Advancement, this webinar series will break with the traditional hierarchical and vertical manner in which conversations around management are typically approached. Each program will present dialogues relevant to all career stages, and will consider ways in which the topic can impact sense of self, well-being, and personal success.
The speaker lineup features a dynamic cross-section of community leaders, including (listed alphabetically) Katherine Armstrong Executive Director, Russell Reynolds Associates; Richard Aste, Director, McNay Art Museum; Joy Bailey-Bryant, Vice President and Managing Director of U.S. Operations, Lord Cultural Resources; Pamela Bol Riess, Founder and CEO, PBR Executive Search; Jay A. Clarke, Rothman Family Curator of Prints and Drawings, Art Institute of Chicago; Susan (Suzy) Delvalle, President and Executive Director, Creative Capital; Karen DeTemple, Co-founder, The Art of Change; Elyse A. Gonzales, Acting Director, Art, Design & Architecture Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara; Zena Howard FAIA, LEED AP, Managing Director, Perkins+Will; Sheila McDaniel, Deputy Director of Finance and Operations, The Studio Museum in Harlem; Regina R. Smith, Managing Director, Arts and Culture, Kresge Foundation; Sasha Suda, Director and CEO, National Gallery of Canada; Ben Whine, Vice President, Development Director, Museums, Christie’s; and Ellen Zisholtz, Founder and President, Center for Creative Partnerships. Learn more about them here.
Organized and hosted by the AAMC Foundation the series is open to all, with AAMC members receiving discount admission. Limited space is available, register today!
URL or webpage link:
Contact details for further information
Monica Valenzuela, Program Manager
Sample social media posts:
@art_curators upcoming 3-part webinar series takes a fresh look at the topic of #management. Relevant to all career stages & positions. Join to consider ways to impact sense of self, wellbeing, & personal success: #AAMCWebinar
Join @art_curators for their 3-part webinar series tackling #management in a whole new way! Featuring a dynamic cross-section of community leaders, the series kicks off on June 11 and is open to all. Register today: #AAMCWebinar
Tired of traditional, hierarchical conversations on #management? @art_curators’ groundbreaking 3-part webinar series taking a new look at the topic of #management: