2023 Sponsorship Opportunities


Or visit aamg-us.org/2023-sponsorship/ for detailed tier outlines

Conference Location, Schedule Outline, Contact Information

The 2023 Annual Conference is hosted by The University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas, and will take place June 12-15, 2023. Primary conference proceedings and sponsor booths will be located in the Adams Alumni Center.

June 12: Registration and Sponsor Booth set up will open by 1pm CT with the opening reception taking place that evening at The Spencer Museum of Art.
June 13: Primary conference proceedings taking place in the Adams Alumni Center. (Breakfast and
lunch will be served on site.)
June 14: Primary conference proceedings taking place in the Adams Alumni Center. (Breakfast and
lunch will be served on site.) *Sponsor booths must deinstall by end of day today.
June 15: Off site excursions taking place.

You can find hotel information here: aamg-us.org/travel-and-accommodations/

*DEADLINE to book a sponsor opportunity for the 2023 AAMG Annual Conference is May 15, 2023. Some opportunities are limited in our capacity this year, please note, they are first come first serve. Our website will stay up to date with opportunity options.

In need of shipping details? Have other questions? Or ready to book your spot with #AAMG2023?
Contact AAMG Director of Operations Alexandra Chamberlain at aacademicmg[at]gmail[dot]com.

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