Jerry’s Map

Click here to view the prospectus.

Jerry’s Map is comprised of over 4,000 individual 8” x 10” panels. Its execution—in acrylic, marker, colored pencil, ink, collage, and inkjet print on heavy paper—is dictated by the interplay between an elaborate set of rules and randomly generated instructions.

Jerry Gretzinger began making the map of an imaginary city in the summer of 1963. The work started as a doodle that was done in his spare time while working a tedious job. He continued to add to that map throughout the years until he set it aside in 1983 to put his free time to other use.
The Map was stored in the attic of his home in Cold Spring, New York, and gathered dust. His son, Henry, found it one day while rummaging around, and brought it down to Jerry to ask what it was. Seeing it prompted Gretzinger to dust it off and continue the project. He continues to work on it to this day.

Learn more about The Map here:

Jerry Gretzinger was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1942. He studied architecture and liberal arts at the University of Michigan and the University of California. He joined the Peace Corps in 1966 and spent two years in Tunisia. He returned in 1968 as an architect with an archeological team cataloging the Roman mosaics there.
In 1973 Gretzinger returned to the United States and started a handbag design company in New York. His wife, Meg Staley, joined the company in the early 1980s in the design and manufacture of women’s clothing. Gretzinger retired to Maple City, Michigan in 2004.

Artist Fee: $1,500 for ten-weeks plus roundtrip shipping via FedEx or UPS (in-region Michigan pick up available).

Space Requirements: dimensions variable, but last shown at the Dennos Museum Center in a 3,400
square foot courtyard with 90 running feet of wall space and 18-foot ceilings.

Tour Dates: flexible, 2024-2027
Didactics: Introductory panel to be provided as a digital file. Seven-minute mp4 video file available upon request (exhibition overview featuring Jerry Gretzinger).

Insurance: Wall-to-wall fine art insurance policy.

Host Requirements: Sufficient staff and volunteers to install artwork. Venue to pay for artist roundtrip transportation and lodging for installation assistance (as desired), ladders and lifts for working at height.

Artist to supply drywall safe removable foam squares for mounting artwork.

Merchandise: older generation panels, postcards, and posters suitable for museum store sale.
Contact the artist directly for more details or to book the exhibition:
Image: Jerry’s Map at the Dennos Museum Center at Northwestern Michigan College in 2023.

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