Survival Architecture asks visionary artists and architects to consider interpretive solutions for shelter within a changing climate. The exhibition is organized by four themes that reflect aspects of emergency shelter design: circular, portable, visionary, and resilient. Combining innovative materials with social activism, the artworks address drought, flooding, earthquakes, food security, and other pressing issues.

Featured artists include: Mitchell Joachim and Terreform ONE, Tomas Saraceno Studio, Mary Mattingly, Vincent Callebaut, Nathaniel Corum and Gerard Minakawa, Chris Jordan, Thomas L. Kelly, Liam Kelly, The Empowerment Plan, Phil Ross, Pedro Reyes, ZO-loft Architecture and Design, William McDonough + Partners, Achim Menges, Andrew Maynard Architects, Tina Hovsepian, Alejandro Aravena, Jenny Sabin and Eric Ellingsen Studio Lab: Jingyang Liu Leo, Kevin Jin He and Won Ryu, Peta Feng and Malgorzata Pawlowska, Davison Design: Zhou Ying and Niu Yuntao, Journeyman Pictures, IKEA Foundation, and UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency).

Curated by: Randy Jayne Rosenberg


The exhibition features commissioned large-scale and portable interactive architectural installations, photography, drawings and videos. It is organized in four themes, reflecting key characteristics about survival architecture:

  • Circular — the importance of creating structures made of materials that can be used and reused indefinitely
  • Portable — the ability to create easily moveable and nomadic dwellings
  • Visionary — forward-thinking ideas that can radically change the way we think about shelter
  • Resilient — structures that can adapt to adverse and dynamic circumstances

Cost: Please contact for more information about the participation fee and dates for availability

Size: 3,500 square feet

Venue Length: Typically 2-4 months

Availability: Currently available

Special Requirements: Some electronic equipment provided by host venue

Previous Venues: Appleton Museum of Art, Ocala, Florida; Museum of Craft and Design, San Francisco, CA

Please contact us at: if you are interested in hosting the exhibition.

Information for artwork below: Cricket Shelter: Modular Edible Insect Farm, Mitchell Joachim and Terreform ONE, 2016, CNC milled plywood, plastic containers, © 2016, courtesy of Mitchell Joachim and Terreform ONE

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