2001 AAMG Annual Conference
Mentoring in Museums: Diverse Programs Engaging Students on Campus
Saturday May 5, 2001
Washington University Gallery of Art
St. Louis, MO
9:00 a.m.
Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:30 am
Welcome and Introductions
Les Reker, President, Association of College and University Museums and Galleries
9:45 am
Keynote Address
Nurturing the Community Within: Museums in Loco Parentis
Ken Yellis, Assistant Director of Public Programs, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University Connecticut, and American Association of Museums Board Member
10:30 am
The Student Dynamic at Washington University
Mark S. Weil, Ph.D., E. Desmond Lee Professor for Collaboration in the Arts; Director, Washington University Visual Arts and Design Center; Director, Washington University Gallery of Art, Missouri
11:15 am
11:30 am
Muscarelle Museum of Art Student Society: Student Leadership Initiatives
Bonnie G. Kelm, Ph.D., Director and Associatiate Professor of Art and Art History, Muscarelle Museum of Art, The College of William and Mary, Virginia
12:15 pm
Luncheon on the terrace
1:15 pm
Marketing the Museum to College and University Students
Kathrine Walker Schlageck, Education and Public Services Supervisor, Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art, Kansas State University, Kansas; Emily Cochran, Art History Major, Class of 2001 and President of the Student Friends of the Beach Museum of Art; Marla Johnson, Journalism and Mass Communications Major, Class of 2001
2:00 pm
WCMA’s Museum Associations Program, or How Can I Possibly Get 40 Students to Participate in My Volunteer Docent Program?
Barbara Robertson, Director of Education, Williams College Museum of Art, Williams College, Massachusetts
3:15 pm
Board buses to the des lees gallery and island press at
4:15 pm
Tours of Student Print Exhibition and Island Press
5:15 pm
Cocktail Party Hosted by Washington University Gallery of Art