Dear members, friends, and colleagues,

The board of AAMG joins me in wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season and new year.  It’s been exciting to read about so many new ideas and suggestions that we’ve shared with one another though our list-serv—and as a result, to become energized about the value of our work to both the academy and our communities.
AAMG has a lot going on:

  • Our annual conference will be held at the University of Oregon June 22-25, 2017. We’ll be notifying those who submitted proposals early in the new year and posting registration information. This promises to be our best attended conference ever and will set a new model for what we do.  For those who attend AAM’s annual meetings, ours will be similar, with excursions, workshops, sessions, and more!
  • We’ll be releasing our first Professional Practices for Academic Museums and Galleries in June 2017, in conjunction with the conference.  This will be a comprehensive document to share with staff, governing body, and advisory board members.
  • We recently submitted an IMLS grant to conduct the first ever comprehensive survey of academic museums and galleries.  Keep your fingers crossed!

And we’re looking for some great board members – regional representatives for the West and Mountain-Plains and at-large members focusing on diversity, sponsorships, and more.

If you’re not yet a member of AAMG, please join!  We can only do as much as our resources allow – and you make that difference.  Dues will be going up this summer so take advantage of our insanely low rates now.

And thank you for all you do to make academic museums so vital on and off-campus!

Warm regards,

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