The Qian Xuesen Library & Museum, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Twenty two university museums from around China sent staff to the Qian Xuesen Library and Museum at Shanghai Jiao Tong University for five days of intensive professional development this week. This enterprise is the first outcome of a partnership between UMAC (University Museums and Collections), an international committee of ICOM, and the Qian Xuesen Library and Museum. It recognises that those who work in university museums require specialised professional development because of the dynamic and changing operating environment in the higher education sector, particularly as is being experienced in China at present.

UMAC President, Marta Lourenco (University of Lisbon), launched the program on April 10. She thanked the Qian Xeusen Library and Museum for hosting the event and thanked the National University Museum Education Alliance (NUMEA) for their support. NUMEA, only established as recently as 2012, already has 95 member museums, indicative of the dynamism and enthusiasm within the sector in China.

Lourenco says “Professional development is an important part of UMAC’s strategic plan. University museums face a unique set of challenges and opportunities, not experienced by other museums”. She went on to note that UMAC is delighted to be launching the first professional development scheme in China, where there is strong interest in developing globally competitive world-class universities.

Those attending the professional development week will hear from a variety of international and Chinese speakers. They will lead these museum professionals through workshops that examine how to align the business of the museum with the business of the university, how university museums can understand and leverage the significance of their collections and the potential of their institutional setting while demonstrating their considerable value to teaching, research and engagement to the university leadership.

Categories: General Announcement