Dear colleagues,
We are conducting research concerning the range of job descriptions, titles, classifications, promotional structures, and review criteria that apply to those of us who do curatorial work at an academic museum or gallery. To better understand how these factors impact research and output, we have created an anonymous online survey aimed at identifying the various relationships you have to your institutions and how these impact your curatorial process.
If you define any part of the work you do for your academic museum or gallery as curatorial labor, please consider taking a few minutes to fill out this survey. Your responses are anonymous and cannot be used to identify you. The data collected will be presented at the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries annual conference in Minneapolis this June. It is our hope that this research could impact how universities and colleges classify, promote, and protect curatorial work.
Find the survey at this link:
Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding our research or methods.
Meredith Lynn
Assistant Curator and Director of Galleries
Museum of Fine Arts
Florida State University
Claire Kovacs
Augustana Teaching Museum of Art
Augustana College
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