Veteran academic museum directors Natalie Marsh and John Wetenhall will provide their experience and perspectives on positioning the planning process relative to diverse and often divergent constituents. Each will share tips and tools for writing a strategic plan and other institutional planning documents and museum policies that will help guide your university museum or college gallery in ways that also dovetail with the strategic goals of your parent institution. This panel’s facilitators will also share considerations and field questions and a discussion on forms of institutional planning amid a pandemic and the vase social and economic changes that are impacting all of higher education and our communities.n here.
Dr. Natalie Marsh, Director, Gund Gallery, Kenyon College; AAMG Midwest Regional Representative and AAMG Conference Co-Director
Dr. John Wetenhall, Director, George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum; AAMG Vice President, Strategic Planning and Co-Chair, Task Force for the Protection of University Collections & Affiliate Liaison