Workshop: Art and Science Research in the Academic Museum

Campus museums have the potential to function as interdisciplinary laboratories, but often not the capacity or endorsement from administration to support meaningful, sustained interdisciplinary research. This becomes even more difficult at the boundary of the hard sciences versus the arts and humanities. This workshop will illustrate concrete, incremental steps to take via case studies followed by a targeted workshop where teams can workshop research proposals or early-stage projects.

Roksana Filipowska, Programs and Outreach Manager at Yale University Art Gallery’s Wurtele Study Center

Alison Gilchrest, Director of Applied Research and Outreach, Yale Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Brittany Rubin, Print Room Curatorial Assistant at the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University

Katherine Schilling, Associate Research Scientist, Yale Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Louisa Smieska, PhD, Staff scientist, Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source
