Session: ADA @ 30: Expanding Accessibility

2020 is the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. During that time, how has the ADA affected museum practices and program development? Learn how the ADA has impacted the design of museum spaces, how definitions of atypical bodies or minds shape our approach to programming, planning for visitors with a range of hearing and sensory processing, how to ask questions and identify resources that can help bring life to accessible facilities, and why it matters to an aging population. Presenters will provide practical ideas for advancing museum accessibility that can enhance our understanding and empathy with each other.

Scott Cryer, Leads DLR Group’s Cultural+Performing Arts Studio

Adina Duke, Associate Director for Public Engagement at the Spencer Museum of Art (University of Kansas)

Lin Nelson-Mayson, Director, Goldstein Museum of Design, University of Minnesota

Elesha Newberry, Campus Outreach Specialist at the Michigan State University Museum

Meredith Peruzzi, Manager and Curator of the National Deaf Life Museum at Gallaudet University
