More and more colleges and universities are beginning to publicly debate their own institutional histories, often including painful participation in racial, gender, and other forms of discrimination. The debates about these and other abuses of power and economic inequality have similarly been at the center of academic galleries’ and museums’ programmatic decisions and behind-the-scenes struggles. This panel includes the inspiring and bold stories of five creative and persistent professionals who tackled challenging institutional structures and histories and are moving their organizations toward greater inclusion and human dignity, for themselves, their colleagues, and students, and for their larger communities.
Moderator: LouAnne Greenwald, Director, Hilliard Art Museum, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and AAMG Board Member.
Carey Champion, Director, Wylie House Museum, Indiana University and AAMG State Representative for Indiana. Contemporary Art, Marginalized Voices, and Historic Spaces.
Darci Hanna, Assistant Curator, MassArt Art Museum, Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Working Artists & the Greater Economy (W.A.G.E.) – Compensating Exhibiting Artists.
Elesha Newberry, Campus Outreach Specialist, MSU Museum, Michigan State University. Encouraging Bravery and Vulnerability Through Gallery Conversations.
Shikoh Shiraiwa, Current doctoral student, History and Cultural Heritage at the University of Helsinki, Finland, former Library Specialist, UCO Max Chambers Library, University of Oklahoma. Protecting University Collections and Myself.
Pamela Tinnen, Lead Curator, NYU Kimmel Windows. Beneath the Surface, The Seeds We Sow Are Growing Roots.